Thursday, January 7, 2010

Try Walkin' A Mile In These Moccasin's

The first time I met Collin, our friend Nichole told me that he had been born in these sandals. I thought she was kidding. Then I saw this.

Notice Collin is barely sitting up by himself, but there are his trusty sandals, about twice the size of his feet.

He has grown into them. Sort of. His cute little chicken legs are not strong enough to lift them off the ground. I do have another pair that are a little easier for him to maneuver. On the other hand, these do give me better odds of catching him when he decides to run off for one more lap around the pool...


Meltmomma said...

Wow ! I'm surprised he was able to keep a hold of them so long. What a cutie :)

David and Candice said...

He is so cute he really must love those shoes to still have them.his little feet will soon fit them but i hope he will be home by then:)-Candice

Jason and Kristin said...

I love it when they are too small and their toes hang over the edge. They have held up really well nothing my boys wear ever seems to last very long.

Pete and Mare said...

very cute! so glad that you have all these fun pictures of your little man. :) ~ mare