Friday, January 29, 2010

Miami Here We Come...

Looks like customs has taken custody of the kids in Miami. We knew this was a possibility. Therefore I'm apparently heading to Miami... Collin and the other kids will be put in "comfortable" shelters (Don't worry, they will be bathed and fed... Did that sound a little sarcastic? No? Maybe I should try again...) until their paperwork can be processed. It could take a couple of days. I can be with him from 10-5 during the day, but I can't take him to the hotel with me. That part stinks...


Mr. Thompson and Me said...

Yay! You all should get the Nobel Peace prize for this....

(most especially the pilot, who is my new hero!)

Teri said...

Have a safe trip! Can't wait for your successful return! xoxo, love the Drew's

Fiddlefish said...

Travel safely. He's safe. He's on USA soil. And HE'LL BE WITH HIS MOMMY!!!!!

Fiddlefish said...

You and Lori are famous! :)

Toria said...

Ummm... I'm going to give you a pass on picking me up a shot glass as long as you bring my nephew home with you. :) I'm just sayin'... give him love and kisses from his favorite Auntie Toe, and no worries, we'll get him some NOISY toys to compensate for the years of torment you have bestowed on us... :) I'll give you 6 months of obnoxious toys which he'll love, and then I'll tell you how to quiet them. :) LOVE YOU!!! Bring him back safe and sound! He's missing his mamma...

Emily said...

Good luck!!