Friday, January 29, 2010

Rapid Fire Updates

Here's what we know so far...

The pilot (my new hero) refused to leave the tarmac without the kids.
Chareyl and Team Hope have loaded all the kids on vans to take them to the airport.
They are now in a tent 100 feet from the plane waiting for final confirmation that the paperwork has been approved.

As my friend Noelle says, "if this were a movie, I would TOTALLY fast forward to the end!"

Stay tuned... And please keep the prayers coming!

I love you Collin and I WILL see you soon!!!


Fiddlefish said...

This amazing story needs to be made into a Hallmark Family Film with 100% of the proceeds to go to the orphanage to help fund it. Holy cow.

Babcock Family said...

This could NOT be more intense!!!