Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Silence Is Golden?

Probably, but in this case, it called for investigation. Collin had been toddling around the house for about a half an hour babbling in what I assume was a combination of Kreyol and baby talk and making himself laugh. Then, suddenly all was quiet. Mommy radar went up. Upon further investigation, I found this:

Good thing he hasn't figured out how to turn the water on. Yet. :)


Toria said...

HAHAHA!!! I LOVE IT!!!! At least he wasn't playing in the toilet... Mommy radar is such a handy tool. :)

Fiddlefish said...

Has he figured out yet how to "ping" the toilet paper roll so it drapes all over the bathroom? (Or in the toilet to clog it). LOL. He is adorable.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally in love with your son!

Meltmomma said...

That is cute !I understand about the mommy radar going up when things get quiet .He has such a beautiful smile :)

Teri said...

That is too cute! You can tell he thought it was a super great idea to play in the tub.

Pete and Mare said...

He's so beautiful. What would we do without our Mommy radars? :) ~Mare