Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Solution To Dusting

Collin threw his ball through the coffee table. I was sitting on the couch when he came over, patted my knee and pointed to the runaway ball with that pleading look in his eye. Not wanting to be sucked into this no doubt entertaining (for him) game of fetch, I told him to go get it. I figured he'd run around the table, pick it up and bring it back to me. Not so much.

Apparently, the shortest distance between two points is STILL a straight line. Even if it's a little slippery...


Kevo said...

sooo cute, we only wish we could still fit under a coffee table.

Kevo said...

somehow kevin's name is the default i will figure this out later it is really me, Jonie

Meltmomma said...

What a good helper ! Not so good on the hair though :) It is a natural maganent for EVERYTHING !