Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Collin Update

I got an update on Collin this week. It's pretty much a recap of things I already knew since I'd just been to see him, but since this is someday going to serve as Collin's baby book, I thought I'd post it anyway.

I know, he looks thrilled doesn't he? There's actually a story behind it. The picture was taken while he was sitting on my lap. Chareyl was trying to make him laugh, he was not only completely uninterested, he decided that she was getting too close to his momma. He had a tendency to swat at anyone who threatened the "mommy, baby bubble". Here's what we know:

Report of the month: Oct. 2009
Name of the child: Olivier Danial
Date of birth: Dec. 25, 2007 (This is new, apparently I have a Christmas baby!)

Physical Development:
Height: 31 inches Weight: 18 pounds
Head circumference: 18 inches
(Date Measurements Taken: 10/21/2009)

Up-date: Olivier was in Catholic care before the parent trip because he had not
been feeling well, he did great at the clinic and was doing great when his mom arrived in Haiti. Olivier is quite the little mommy’s boy so it is a good thing she was able to visit him on the trip. Olivier is developing well, does age appropriate activities. At this time he shows no sign of serious illness.

File Process: File in Haiti waiting submission to IBSER.
Tia was able to sign the log book with civil court while on the parent trip October 22, 2009 she also was able to give copies of her passport showing entrance into Haiti to visit her son.


David and Candice said...

WOW a Christmas Baby!! glad he was healthy and good for you on the trip:)-Candice

Jason and Kristin said...

Ah, Dec. 25th how sweet. So will he be 3 in a month and a half?

As for Friday how about 6 at Mandi's for Cafe Rio take out??