I can just see the "Mother of the Year Award" now. Collin has never had fruit loops before. I knew we were going to church while we were there and he's never sat through that before either. I thought it would be a good idea. After the first block of meetings, I tried to put the lid on the fruit loops so we could go to the next set of meetings. And apparently, that's where I went wrong. Five very loud minutes later Brent, Lori, Brent's mom and I took a screaming, fit throwing Collin (I had given the fruit loops back because of that whole "why would you take food away from a starving orphan?" argument, but apparently the damage had been done) Jess and Nate and walked back to the hotel. At least he's got some fight in him right? That will come in handy during the foreseeable future while I'm trying to get him home. :) For the next five days, the second thing he would do everytime he woke up (the first was to snuggle with mommy, LOVED THAT!!!) was to point to the shelf the fruit loops were on and look at me with his big brown puppy dog eyes. Did I give in? You be the judge...
I know, I know, but seriously, could you say no to this face??
I rest my case.
He is so cute!!! They learn so fast at what shelf has what food:)-Candice
you and Collin are in for so many new firsts it is fun to experience this with you. I would have given him the fruit loops as well.
So Cute! I am with you . . . how could you resist? Awesome!
Tia...you're going to be doing whatever he wants...whenever he wants...for forever. Just so you know... :)
He is a handsome little guy !Better have your carry on's loaded with fruit loops for the next parent trip.He'll need his fix after 3 mo. :)
Nope, I wouldn't be able to say no to that face, heck NO! At least he has his priorities right, snuggle mom first then fruit loops.
What are a little fruit loops once every three months? It is when you get him home that you will have to worry and when you figure out how to take the sugar cereal away let me know!
I'll call ya when I see 'em go on sale. You're gunna need them in your food storage for sure!
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