Tuesday, November 24, 2009

And A Little Child Shall Lead Them

It's Thanksgiving. This year, I'm thankful for this little boy in Haiti.
His name is Fabrice. He's Collin's friend. In fact, I'm pretty sure he looks after Collin at the orphanage. This last visit in October, Fabrice taught me a lesson that is particularly meaningful at this time of year.

It's sort of a tradition, on the last night in Haiti, to order pizza from Domino's. Yes, there is a Domino's Pizza in Haiti. It's astronomically expensive, but it's there none the less. This time, when we were done eating, I noticed Fabrice walking around the tables and picking up the pizza crusts off of every one's plate. (It's apparently an American thing not to eat the crust.) When he'd finished collecting crusts, he put them on top of a leftover pizza that no one had touched yet. We asked him what he was doing. He informed us that he was taking the pizza back home to his friends. My friend told me that in the six times she's been part of "pizza night" in Haiti, it never once occurred to them to take the left over pizza back to the orphanage. They generally just gave it to the hotel staff.

Thank you, Fabrice, for teaching me about love and generosity and taking care of the ones you love. I'm grateful that you are there to look after Collin when I can't. I'm grateful that, when you come home to live with your incredible forever family, you'll only be down the road where you can continue to be a great example to all of us. Happy Thanksgiving!


David and Candice said...

Wow it made me such a proud mom then and made me cry and the way you told it just made me have a good cry again.
we love the fact that we will be so close to everyone:)-Candice

Lewis Family said...

Thanks for sharing that Tia. It made me cry, but what a sweet story.

Jason and Kristin said...

Ahhhh, that gave me warm fuzzies. But, I always eat my crust.

Christina Updike said...

OH, I just got chills reading this! What a beautiful boy! Yes . . . children are amazing! I guess that is why we are taught to be child-like. What an inspiration!

Pete and Mare said...

What a sweet post about an amazing young man. It's very true he does look after the little ones too. :) ~Mare

mlg said...

We are all in awe of Fabrice he has a bright future and I can't wait to see what he does with it!