Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Want My Mommy

I got September's update on Collin. I got one in August too, but I couldn't figure out to save the picture so I didn't post it. Lori had to do it for me this time.

Mommy's a little worried. Scratch that, mommy's a lot worried. Mommy can't help visions of some unknown tropical bug bite attacking her son running through her mind... I'll just let you know up front that this post is a tad irrational...:) Collin doesn't look good. Aside from the very sad, I like to call it "I want my mommy" look in his eyes, the swelling thing is freaking me out a little. We think it's possible that he's been given motrin. Some Haitian kids are allergic to it. It would account for the swelling, but I'd still feel better if I knew exactly what was going on...

This is the part I wasn't prepared for. I spent most of the day in tears. Remember that irrational thing I was talking about?? All I could think was how much I wanted to scoop him up off that couch and fix whatever is wrong. 15 more days...


Fred said...

My kids sometimes have swelling reactions to insect bites (mosquitos). I usually give them benadryl or children's claritin and the swelling goes down.

David and Candice said...

He does look a little swollen ,That is the hard part not being able to be there to help fix them. just a few weeks and we can make sure they are ok for a few days:)-Candice

Meltmomma said...

Hang in there :) Not knowing is the hardest part. A lot of my packing is "just in case stuff ". But the most important thing he will need is you :)

Jason and Kristin said...

He does look like he could use you right about now. Good luck keeping the irrational stuff to a minimum.