My son is afraid of the microwave.
Yep, the microwave.
Not so much afraid OF it as he is afraid that it's eating his food.
He has a first class melt down every time I put something in it.
Oh, I've tried reasoning with him. Yeah,that went well.
I've tried letting him watch as the food spins round and round (on the rotating table) inside of it.
That went equally well.
Side note: He's also taken to sitting on, running over, or jumping on the dog whenever he's not looking. The two stories relate, I promise.
We've been working on "be nice Collin" to spare the dog any additional surprise attacks.
One day last week, I put Collin's easy mac (eat your heart out Betty Crocker!) in the microwave for lunch.
Que the melt down and my initial attempts to stave it off with no success.
Finally, I tried in my most patient voice (it's about an octave below my most exasperated voice) to tell him that the microwave was just warming it up and he could eat it in a minute.
That seemed to work, until I over cooked it and then had to put it in the freezer for a few minutes to cool so that he could eat it.
His response? "Mama, ou be nice ah Collin" translation: Mama, you be nice to Collin.
Then I caught him giving the freezer the stink-eye.