Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fish Tales

Collin has a darling fishing game. The fish "swim" around in a circle and their mouths open when they go over the "waves". The game comes complete with fishing poles. At first, I thought the poles had magnets in the end to make catching the fish a little easier. Not so much.

Collin had a little trouble working the fishing pole, so he came up with his own method.
Not bad little one, not bad at all!


Jamie said...

That is how I learned to fish...Way to go Collin!!! He seems to be so happy!!! have a great weekend!

Meltmomma said...

Funny ! Who needs a complicated fishing pole ? I love how kids keep keep it simple :)

Jason and Kristin said...

Jonah has that game and I tried playing it with him. It's kinda hard. I'll try Collin's way next time. I'll probably have better luck!

Fiddlefish said...

ROTFL! He is hilarious!

David and Candice said...

He is one smart kid! -Candice

Teri said...

That is so adorable! I love the last one with the fish on his finger. He's so packed full of fun.

Pete and Mare said...

So cute! Our kiddos did the same thing. It's hard to get thoses pole to do just what you need them to do with such little hands. Soo happy to see you guys so happy! :) ~Mare