Wednesday, July 29, 2009


One letter sized fedex envelope, bound for Ogden, rerouted to... wait for it.... Oakland! Yeah, I don't know why either...

What does it contain you wonder? Oh nothing much, just the original notarized acceptance of Collin's referral, the original paperwork needed to complete my home study, a sample package of the paperwork needed for my foreign dossier that will go to Haiti, and oh yeah, a check to pay for the translation of said documents into French. Just everything I've dropped everything for the last two weeks to get together.

If you happen to see it, please notify fedex, because although they have been very kind amidst my near emotional breakdown today, they have absolutely no idea where it is... Oh yeah, and could you notify me too? I'll be the whimpering mass hiding under the covers... :)

Really, I'm okay and I'm sure they will track it down tomorrow. Or else. :)


Janette said...

And so the Haitian adoption saga begins...
That's really horrible. I hope they find it ASAP.

Meltmomma said...

It is always a relief when you get a chunk of paperwork done to send off, then really scary to hand your life's work over to a random person behind the counter.Hang in there. Hope they find it soon :)

David and Candice said...

Well the spelling of those two city are alike :) Not come on fed ex get it together...Hope they find it soon hang in there-Candice

Teri said...

What? Oh my heavens, I'm so sorry, what a worry. I hope that everything else goes smoother than that. They are fed ex, come on!