Thursday, February 12, 2009

Be Mine...

It started out as any other morning. I was running late for work, again. Tucker had an accident on the kitchen floor, again. (He's really special that way...) I hadn't done laundry, dishes or cleaned the house in over a week. And I was stressed out about all I had to get accomplished at work that day. Then, I pulled out of my garage, put the door down and found this:

Each of the hearts has a little note written on it, which of course made me cry. I know you're all shocked... :)

Thank you so much to the darling young women and their equally darling leaders. Having been on a few "heart attack" missions myself, I know how much work they are. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...that's way better than any old gun!!!