Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Goes Up

After a VERY long day of weekend errand running, I remembered that I had to stop by our local party supply store to pick up a few things. Collin usually loves it when we go to this particular store. Why you ask? Because the always give him a balloon.

This time, our cashier extraordinaire, didn't just stop at the typical "what's your favorite color?" that we're used to. This girl was determined to put a smile on the face of my, now completely exhausted and dangerously close to a public meltdown, little boy. Collin's entire face lit up when she asked "which do you like more, cowboys or pirates?" Game, set and match to you my new friend. If you've talked to Collin in the past few months, he's no doubt told you about his new favorite Disney Cartoon, Jake and the Never Land Pirates. Meltdown avoided.

When we got home, Collin played with his balloon for a little while, then let it go. It, of course, floated to the highest point of our vaulted ceiling.

Where it remains. To this day. Day 26, to be exact. But as they say, "what goes up, must come down" some point, right? Right?

1 comment:

Jason and Kristin said...

That must have been some serious helium! I noticed it up there last night :)