Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All Decked Out

Collin had a special day a few months ago. It was blessing day. Grandma-Great wanted to give him a blessing outfit. No big deal for an infant, but a little harder to find for a two year old, especially the day before a holiday. In the end, we found this:

Yeah, that cheesy little grin made makes me giggle too.

The next day, Grandpa gave him a special blessing (A free spirit Grandpa? Really??) Then all of our family came over for a special lunch. Yet another moment that I was reminded of what a blessing it is to be this little boys mommy! I love you so much baby boy!


Anonymous said...

This is me all choked up...I am so happy for you.

Jason and Kristin said...

Ah, that is so sweet. He looked so cute. I love when they are all in white, with no boogers or food on their clothes...

mlg said...

Gosh he is looking so big and handsome, what a great gift from his grandpa!

David and Candice said...

He looks so sweet,What a great day for you and how neat for his grandpa:)-Candice

R AND R AND Z said...

He is so cute.

Pete and Mare said...

Collin looks adorable in his blessing outfit. What a handsome little guys. That is so great that your dad was able to bless him. :)