Monday, May 3, 2010

How Do You Give A Great Haircut?

I have absolutely no idea, but here are a few things I learned while giving Collin his first haircut on American soil. Step 1: Call in reinforcements. Step 2: Know someone with a good buzzer. It helps when steps one and two can be filled by the same person (And her two adorable kids. Thanks Toria, Jaxson and Logan!)
Step 3: Get a few locks for his baby book (no, they're not actually the first, but they're the first for me!)
Step 4: Take a deep breath and relax!
Step 5: Get Collin used to the sound of the buzzer
Step 6: When step 5 doesn't work, provide a distraction...

and a target... Thanks for being such good sport Jaxson and Logan!!!

And after a few mis-fires with the water bottle (self-inflicted I promise)...
Step 7: Snuggle with your mommy and tell her she did a good job!!


Fiddlefish said...

You did GREAT!!! Usually with Adam it takes me 2 sessions. The first to get the basic cut done, then the second to detail it.

Meltmomma said...

You are brave ! Looks like it went well. It can only get easier :)

Jason and Kristin said...

Way to go. Cutting hair can be an adventure, you did FABULOUS!

Pete and Mare said...

Very cute! Wonderful job! Collin is such a beautiful little boy!

Pete takes the same approach with the boys. The past few times I have been learning. It's fun and not to bad at all.